
Indigenous Peoples Plan

The Carib Reserve Act of 1978 provides for the establishment of a body corporate for the administration of the Reserve and for matters connected herewith. It gives the Carib Council the authority and responsibility for the management of the Carib Territory. The Act variously describes the establishment of the office of the Carib Chief, the Constitution, and powers of the Carib Council. Specifically, it gives various powers to the Carib Chief and the Carib Council and outlines responsibilities of the Minister responsible for the Council. The Act further outlines the means of conducting elections for Council Members and the Chief. It also indicates how funds are to be used on behalf of the Reserve. The Act gives the Carib Council powers to institute various bylaws pertinent to the management of the community.

The Council is further organized into Hamlet Development Committees, governed by a constitution prepared by the Council. There are 8 hamlets in the Territory, but 7 hamlet development committees since 2 hamlets were combined. The committees serve as branches to the Carib Council which lends to the effective management of the Territory.

Read the entire Indigenous Peoples Plan (PDF, 5.9 MB).